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Chi sono gli scienziati che hanno rivoluzionato la storia dell'umanità? Erano davvero dei "geni"? Barbascura X non ha dubbi al riguardo: non solo non lo erano, ma a ben vedere erano anche degli idioti. Pochi sanno delle boiate dette da Democrito, delle folli pratiche alchemiche di Newton, di quante idee si sia fatto fregare quel sociopatico di Tesla o di quanti sbagli abbia commesso Einstein. Quelli che definiamo geni non sono altro che esseri umani appassionati, instancabili ricercatori di conoscenza, con alle spalle un quantitativo inimmaginabile di errori. Semplici esseri umani, a volte fortunati, a volte approfittatori, altre volte "proprio scemi", tutti con sconvolgenti scheletri nell'armadio. Barbascura X non sale in cattedra, ma con comicità, sarcasmo e irriverenza, vi porta in un viaggio derisorio attraverso le idee di sei grandi menti della storia.
Barbascura X (UK: /?k?nd?r?, ?k?n-/,[3][4] Czech: [?m?lan ?kund?ra] (listen); born 1 April 1929) is a Czech writer who went into exile in France in 1975, becoming a naturalised French citizen in 1981. Kundera's Czechoslovak citizenship was revoked in 1979. He was given a Czech citizenship in 2019. He "sees himself [{Download}] Scaricare Il genio non esiste (e a volte è un idiota) pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano as a French writer and insists his work should be studied as French literature and classified as such in book stores".[5]
Kundera's best-known work is The Unbearable Lightness of Being. Prior to the Velvet Revolution of 1989 the communist régime in Czechoslovakia banned his books. He lives virtually incognito and [{Download}] Scaricare Il genio non esiste (e a volte è un idiota) pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano rarely speaks to the media.[6] He was thought to be a contender for the Nobel Prize in Literature, and was also a nominee for other awards.[7][8]
Kundera was born in 1929 at Purky?ova 6 (6 Purkyn? Street) in Královo Pole, a quarter of Brno, Czechoslovakia, to a middle-class family. His [{Download}] Scaricare Il genio non esiste (e a volte è un idiota) pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano father, Ludvík Kundera (1891–1971), was an important Czech musicologist and
pianist who served as the head of the Janá?ek Music Academy in Brno from 1948 to 1961. His mother was Milada Kunderová (born Janošíková). Milan learned to play the piano from his father; he later studied musicology and musical composition. [{Download}] Scaricare Il genio non esiste (e a volte è un idiota) pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano Musicological influences and references can be found throughout his work; he has even included musical notation in the text to make a point. Kundera is a cousin of Czech writer and translator Ludvík Kundera. He belonged to the generation of young Czechs who had had little or no experience of [{Download}] Scaricare Il genio non esiste (e a volte è un idiota) pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano the pre-war democratic Czechoslovak Republic. Their ideology was greatly influenced by the experiences of World War II and the German occupation. Still in his teens, he joined the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia which seized power in 1948. He completed his secondary school studies in Brno at Gymnázium t?ída Kapitána Jaroše [{Download}] Scaricare Il genio non esiste (e a volte è un idiota) pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano in 1948. He studied literature and aesthetics at the Faculty of Arts at Charles University in Prague. After two
terms, he transferred to the Film Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague where he first attended lectures in film direction and script writing.
In 1950, his studies [{Download}] Scaricare Il genio non esiste (e a volte è un idiota) pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano were briefly interrupted by political interferences. He and writer Jan Trefulka were expelled from the party for "anti-party activities." Trefulka described the incident in his novella Pršelo jim št?stí (Happiness Rained on Them, 1962). Kundera also used the incident as an inspiration for the main theme of his novel [{Download}] Scaricare Il genio non esiste (e a volte è un idiota) pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano Žert (The Joke, 1967). After Kundera graduated in 1952, the Film Faculty appointed him a lecturer in world literature. In 1956 Barbascura X was readmitted into the Party. He was expelled for the second time in 1970. Kundera, along with other reform communist writers such as Pavel Kohout, was partly [{Download}] Scaricare Il genio non esiste (e a volte è un idiota) pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano involved in the 1968 Prague Spring. This brief period of reformist activities was crushed by the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in August 1968. Kundera remained committed to reforming Czechoslovak communism,
and argued vehemently in print with fellow Czech writer Václav Havel, saying, essentially, that everyone should remain calm and that [{Download}] Scaricare Il genio non esiste (e a volte è un idiota) pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano "nobody is being locked up for his opinions yet," and "the significance of the Prague Autumn may ultimately be greater than that of the Prague Spring." Finally, however, Kundera relinquished his reformist dreams and moved to France in 1975. He taught for a few years in the University of Rennes.[9][10] [{Download}] Scaricare Il genio non esiste (e a volte è un idiota) pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano He was stripped of Czechoslovak cit
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